Saturday, April 7, 2012

Do you belief in your fate?

“I haven’t any interest for work. Because my horoscope is not good. ” My brother was telling me. But I hadn’t any interest to listen him. I also belief in horoscope but it is just out line of life. It may be true or may be false also. So, I don’t rely on in horoscope.

I always belief in hard work . Hard work can fill all the necessary of human beings. Do you know? What bekan says,”just foolish depend in fate.” So, diligent can win all world. Hard works make Gautam Buddha from Siddhartha gautam. Our arms are best friend. We can get successful life to use our arms in good work. If we follow them in bad things, our life falls in wrong. I want to remember a sweet poem:
“Vayagako var ma jo 6 usle dukha pau6,
Doko ma gai ko dud doi ko khana pau6
Hard work is powerful than fate. Hard work makes people Bhanu Bhakta, Gargi, Sikendar and like other famous person.

I know that hard work is necessary for me to make my future bright and I do so. I suggest my brother to belief in his work. “If you do hard practice, you will get good result in exam.” But you know? What he says, “If fail is written in my fate, I will fail?”

Now, this is time for you. Do belief in your fate? If yes, give first priority in your work. Then, your fate follows you. Some are saying that “on the sixth day of our life, god come and write our fate which is always true and we can’t change it. But I don’t think so. We can make our fate ourselves. It can change, if we want. Diligent own his fate like a Hitler. So I again say, “Give first priority in your work. Then, your fate follows you.”


  1. Totally agree with you. No one knows what future holds. The way we can talk about fate is only once when it becomes past. If it's the future, we can plan for it, we can work for it. But nevertheless, nothing is sure. They say, 'you are destined to success. all you have to do is avoid the bad things happening to it.' I guess that's true. So, in my sense, the future fate doesn't exists. The only way I can talk about the fate is, present. Yeah, it was my fate that I ended up in here like this at the moment. And that was totally (most of it) in my control. And it is in my control (again, most of it) where I will grow up to be tomorrow. So, in this sense, one can write his/her fate. One just needs to realize it.

  2. so sweet, i guess, its a try of blogging in english but no doubt it is the simple one n' straight from heart for all sweet heart.
    do u know i m smiling right now bcoz each n' every line of it spreading light to my soul, i m silent but my silency saying 'how sweet it is', don't know who u r n' how u r dear stranger but i guess u do have very good heart n' loving nature.

    It really deserves the tag of 'simply the best'...

    yeuta kura bhanu hai if u don't mind, above, in title of it the proper word is 'believe' (verb) instead of 'belief'(noun)...

    Sorry hai janne bhayera bolekoma..


  3. दाई म पनि यस्तै भाग्यवादी इमेलबाट आजीत भएर केही समयअघि यो लेख लेखेको थिएँ "Terror of Email" आज त्यही सम्झना आयो ।
